Sidermarca is the Group’s commercial division placed in Treviso, dedicated to the distribution from stock of cold-finished bars, hot-rolled and forged steels, stainless steels. Sidermarca operates in the region Veneto (provinces ofTreviso, Vicenza, Venezia, Padova, Rovigo, Belluno e Verona) and in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Sidermarca è dedicata alla commercializzazione di acciai lavorati a freddo, laminati, fucinati e acciai inossidabili.
5.000 sqm of covered warehouse; area owned of 10.000 sqm; cutting-ledge automatic warehouse; 5 fast cutting centres; high availability of products from stock; reliability and quality control on incoming and outgoing products; ISO 9001 certification; customer care and specialised technical assistance; fast delivery.
Sidermarca Srl
Via della Libertà, 46 | I-31050 Ponzano Veneto (TV) | Italia
P. IVA, CF e Reg. Impr. 02380040267 | R.E.A. TV 206888 | Cap. Soc. 31.200,00 i.v.
Tel. +39 0422 963069 | Fax +39 0422 969032 | |