Authentic example of a Brand activist – Three-year thesis

Dr. Gaia Rebuffoni chose the Lucefin Group as a case study for her three-year thesis “Brand activism or Woke washing? A thin line. Analysis of the phenomenon and translation proposal with linguistic commentary and glossary"
(Three-year course in Linguistic Mediation Sciences
– School for Linguistic Mediators CIELS).

The paper analyzes two emerging and opposing business strategies: the brand activism, defined as «the commitment and involvement towards one or more causes of social, environmental, political, economic relevance demonstrated by a brand through communication campaigns, initiatives, ad hoc projects», and the woke washing, which refers to those brands that «exploit major issues of current affairs and public discussion or show sudden activism towards them, to derive economic profits or conceal controversial company policies».
The research also focuses on the relationship between these strategies and the modern consumer as well as highlights their advantages and/or disadvantages.

Among the company cases examined, the Lucefin Group emerges as an authentic example of Brand activist, for its commitment to Sustainability communicated with transparency and supported by concrete actions. A commitment that translates not only into targeted initiatives, but also into the ability to integrate Sustainability values ​​within its corporate identity, thus aligning itself with stakeholder expectations.

In addition to the theoretical analysis, the paper has a practical component. In agreement with the Lucefin Group, Gaia Rebuffoni has developed a proposal for Italian-German translation of parts of the company website, relating to the "Sustainability" section. The translation was accompanied by a linguistic commentary and a technical-sectoral glossary.

The Doctor's academic path was also expanded with an internship at Trafilix sales and purchasing offices.Regarding this opportunity, Dr. Rebuffoni stated:
«The internship experience has been an important opportunity, which allowed me to enrich my personal background by taking a firsthand part in the company activity. I thank the Group for their availability and for giving me the opportunity to write my thesis in German using part of the group's contents.»

We thank Doctor Gaia Rebuffoni for choosing the Lucefin Group as a case study and example of Brand activist. Her analysis, combined with the translation proposal, represents a significant contribution for both the academic and corporate world.