A new 100% renewable technology has started to power the plant of TRAFILIX INDUSTRIES – ESINE. This is the fourth modern Photovoltaic system, active from mid-June with the production of clean and green energy.
This intervention aims to be a further "driving force" for the Group towards new photovoltaic systems, some of which are already planned, and investments of various kinds, aimed at reducing direct and indirect environmental impacts and protecting the health of the surrounding area.
The’plant, designed and built by the company STARTER ENERGY SRL, covers an area of 6000sqm approx thanks to the placement of 550 solar panels single-crystal of 450Wp, chosen for their reliability, sturdiness and manufacturability and installed with peak power of 1000 kW.
The first surveys have provided excellent results even higher than the estimates.
Starting from its activation, a possible production of clean energy of approx 1.073.000 Kwh/year, equivalent to an indicative reduction based 375.550 kg emissions of CO2, and a coverage of about 17% of the overall needs of the Esine plant and of 6% for Trafilix Industries.
With our sustainability project "Together We Change was launched”we look at the estimated data with optimism and we are confident that this step is concrete, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals provided for by’2030 Agenda of United Nations, may lead us to decrease the CO2 produced, pollution and fine dust, to the safe production of energy and in the same way to the reduction of corporate energy costs thanks to greater autonomy and satisfaction of internal needs.
What is our challenge? Keeping up with the times, acting with foresight, pursuing goals shared between the owners and their workers and looking at the evolution of the steel industry.
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