Screening for the prevention of cutaneous melanoma

We are all aware that Prevention is essential for the defense of health but as of now few initiatives have been undertaken in this direction. 
This is why Trafilix Industries chose to create together with the companies of Comunità Pratica the project of Cutaneous Melanoma Screening “NEI Piccoli particolari” addressed to its employees. A concrete action that wants to focus on its collaborators and on prevention, making up for the lack of information and underestimation of risks. 
The added value of the initiative is the collaboration with Fondazione Carolina Zani, which actively supports those who face challenges every day to fight melanoma, supports research and spreads the culture of prevention.

Around 500 employees of the Comunità Pratica companies have participated, with the aim of preventing cutaneous melanoma, the most aggressive neoplasm among skin tumors if not detected and treated early. 

Trafilix Industries addressed the initiative to the Valle Camonica employees, aged between 18 and 60, who have not had a dermatological check-up in the last 12 months and who have at least one risk factor among those indicated by the Foundation.


In Italy, approximately 10,000 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed every year and the incidence is rapidly increasing. It is the third cancer in terms of number of cases!

  • Who is affected?
    Men and women equally. Those aged 18 to 50 are most at risk.
  • What are the causes?
    Lifestyle habits, exposing to the sun without protection and in the sunniest hours of the day, but also familiarity, phototype and number of moles.