No fear of delegating people outside the ownership - President Buzzi at the Siderweb conference

The President Giorgio Buzzi spoke at the online conference of Siderweb «Sustainable Steel – Analysis, experiences and reports of the steel supply chain», restituendo la propria visione di Governance, uno dei pilastri ESG.

The Governance, defined as the evaluation of the structure and implementation of an organizational system different from the past, has always been crucial for the LUCEFIN GROUP.
«One of the fundamental aspects that I shared with my father – stated the President – was choosing the people to hire; those people entered the structure, following the rules and dynamics but they have also contributed to deal with the change in order to try to carry out a completely new organizational model".

In 2024 the third sustainability report will be published, continuing a path towards corporate sustainability in which actions and objectives are communicated in a transparent and accessible way to all the stakeholders. The Group elevates principles and values, which have always been essential for the organization. In this regard, Buzzi declared that
«Ethics is not created with an organizational model: you either have certain values ​​or you don't. Attention to everything that happens in the company – from respect for people, to internal organization, to the will to produce in the best possible way and with adequate levels of safety – must be the basis, regardless of everything. We were already ready to draw up one."

The generational change in our company happened about six years ago in a linear way thanks to family agreements.
«It was a winning choice – Buzzi remarked – We anticipated what would unfortunately happen in a short time and we prevented the company from experiencing moments of difficulty. Anticipating the times also means planning the material issues and actions to be taken within a governance analysis. I invite anyone to take this step and not think that our parents are "stainless"".

The President also claims that there is another way to preserve the future of companies that is, entrusting it to people external to the property.
«Each one of us has a team of people within his structure who has grown with it. – explains Buzzi – These people should be valued and, with appropriate delegations, they can give their contribution to a new impulse for change." «The dialogue with younger generations allows us to understand the best strategies».