Best supplier award 2023

Trafilix has been awarded the sixth “Parker Steel Supplier Achievement Award”, as Best Supplier 2023 for "Excellent Quality and Delivery Performance".

The recognition has been given by Parker Steel at Wire & Tube 2024and it testifies to the company's ability to guarantee a high level, constant and punctual service and to satisfy expectations on the quality of the material.

Trafilix met the criteria of the Parker Steel rating system, obtaining excellent scores in the following items:

  • 100% product quality
  • 100% customer service/product conformity
  • 100% on-time delivery

The award highlights how much the company considers relationships with its customers to be primary. Cultivating solid interconnections means growing together towards a healthy business model, ready to take on the challenges of the market.
Il riconoscimento inoltre è il risultato tangibile dell’alta competenza e professionalità del nostro Ufficio Commerciale.