The contents of this website have been produced by the Lucefin Group and are the exclusive property of the Lucefin Group.
The Lucefin Group disclaims any and all liability for any consequences that may result from their use.

for processing the personal data of any user of the Lucefin Group website
pursuant to articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 679/2016

With regard to the personal data you have sent us using the website we hereby inform you of the following (please note that this information by no means concern any linked external websites, webpages or online services.

1) Data Controller

The data controller is Lucefin S.p.A. Via Ruc, 30 –25040 Esine (BS) – Italy, in the person of the legal representative pro tempore contactable at Tel. +39 0364 36 76 11 – Fax +39 0364 46 67 13  co*****@lu*****.com

2) Processed Data and Purposes of the Processing

Navigation data

The information systems and software procedures responsible for the proper functioning of this website acquire, during their normal functioning, personal data whose transmission is implicit in the usage of internet communication protocols.

These data include IP addresses or computer domain names, URI/URL addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used for the request to the server, the file size obtained as a response, the numeric code related to the response status provided by the server (successful, error etc.) and other parameters related to the operative system and the information environment of the user.

Those data, necessary for the web service use, are also processed in order to:

  • obtain statistics information on the use of services (most frequently visited web pages, number of visitors for time slot, geographical areas of the users etc.);
  • check the proper functioning of the services offered;
  • fulfill obligations linked to cyber crime.

The data will be kept only for seven days and will be deleted immediately after aggregation (except for necessity concerning investigations of offences from legal authorities).

Data provided by the users

The optional, explicit and voluntary submission of messages to the addresses indicated on the website (e.g. on the sections: “Subscribe” or “Work with us”)implies the acquisition of the contact data of the sender, which are necessary to reply, as well as all the personal data included in the messages.

Specific information will be sent for the provision of specific services.

The data will be kept for 5 years.

Cookies and other tracking systems

Our website does not use profiling cookies or other tracking systems.

We use session cookies (which are not saved in the user’s memory and are erased when the user closes the browser) only for ensuring a safe and proper navigation. The session cookies storage on computers or browsers is under the user’s control. In case, at the end of HTTP sessions, information related to cookies keeps being saved on the services log, it will be kept only for seven day as well as the other navigation data.

The user can set his browser in order to be warned about the cookies presence, and he can decide whether or not to accept a specific cookie or refuse automatically any cookie. How to enable/disable cookies:

The purposes of the processing are:

  • meeting your information requests on technical sheets, on our services and their provision, also through subscription to our website; e l’erogazione degli stessi, anche mediante registrazione al nostro Sito ;
  • allowing website navigation, verifying its correct functioning and security;
  • compiling statistics without it being possible to trace it back to the user’s identity.

3) Legal Basis

The legal basis for processing personal data is linked to fulfilling the obligations to execute agreed pre-contract measures following your request of information, through spontaneous access to our website and insertion of your personal data in devoted sections (e.g. “subscribe” or “work with us”). Moreover, the legal basis for processing personal data is linked to the rules and regulations which require the Data Controller to fulfill tax obligations, administrative obligations or, in any case, any obligations linked to the information you requested or to the ceased pre-contractual relationship.

4) Recipients

Personal data which is subject to the processing in question will be sent:

  • to the website development and maintenance service provider;
  • to collaborators and employees to fulfill specific instructions linked to the purposes and the means of processing;;
  • to Public Administration offices for them to carry out their institutional functions, within the limits established by law and by regulations.

5) The Data Subject’s Rights

You, being the data subject, have the right:

  • to obtain confirmation, or otherwise, of the existence of personal data that concerns you, even if not yet recorded, and the communication, in an intelligible form, of the same data and its origin, including the purposes for and the means of processing and the logic applied in the case that the processing is carried out by electronic instruments;
  • to obtain the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or the block of the personal data for which conservation is not necessary in terms of the reasons for which the data was collected and processed;
  • to obtain the updating, correction and integration of your personal data;
  • to oppose, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of the personal data that concerns you, even if pertinent to the reason for which the data was collected;
  • to request and to obtain from the Data Controller – in the cases in which the legal basis for processing is either contractual or consensual and is done by automated means – a copy of your personal data in a structured format that can be read by an automated device, including for the purposes of sending this data to another data controller (the so-called right for the personal data to be portable);
  • to revoke at any time any consent you may have previously given, limited to the cases in which processing is based on your consent for one or more specific purposes and concerning common personal data (for example, date and place of birth or place of residence), or particular categories of data (for example, data that concerns your racial ethnicity, your political views, your religious convictions, your state of health and your sexual preferences). Processing based on consent and performed up to the point at which you revoke your consent, remains, however, legitimate;
  • to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (which, in Italy, is the Italian Data Protection Authority [Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali –]).

6) Mandatory or optional nature of providing your personal data

Providing your personal data for the related processing is optional; any refusal to provide them may result in navigation problems.



© 2023 All rights Reserved – LUCEFIN S.P.A. via Ruc 30 Esine (BS) ITALY P.IVA IT01535340986 – lu*****@le*******.itco*****@lu*****.com