The brand new Sustainability Report is online: it is the document that describes our commitment to do business in a sustainable and participatory way.
Through this report you can acquire a detailed view of our Company with respect to the ESG actions undertaken towards the environment, society and governance, as well as identify the essential elements and growth factors of the Group relating to the financial years 2021-2022.
Lo scenario economico incerto non ha di certo facilitato il raggiungimento degli obiettivi previsti per il triennio 2020-2022, ma questa condizione non ha fermato il nostro percorso sostenibile. Intensificati gli sforzi e concentrate le strategie per rispettare le linee guida tracciate nel primo report di sostenibilità si è riuscito a non perdere di vista gli impegni presi, adattarsi in maniera propositiva alle esigenze degli stakeholder ed a fissare nuovi traguardi per il futuro.
Sustainability is not secondary to corporate actions - it is an integral and structured part of Group governance. The Management is involved and the Sustainability Team supports the highest governing body on ESG issues.
Our challenge is to respond to the market needs, innovate and grow by generating positive change that everyone can benefit from, internally and externally to the Company, thus becoming responsible and aware players of their own impacts.
In the latest edition of the Sustainability Report, the data collection and their analysis has integrated foreign sites and commercial units with the aim of returning a more precise overall image of the Group.
Particular attention was paid to the environment area, giving importance to related objectives and actions.
Tra i dati di rilievo sottolineiamo l’aumento del 54% di energia elettrica prodotta da fotovoltaico rispetto al 2021 e la destinazione a recupero dei rifiuti dell’organizzazione per il 99,5% nel 2022. È stata inoltre rilevata la CO2 emessa da Trafilix Industries e sono in essere analisi e progetti per la sua riduzione.
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