STEM disciplines – Overcoming gender disparities

STEM are the scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical disciplines of the future,
but the female presence is significantly lower than the male one.
Disparity and the gender gap are still persisting.

According to the “Istat Report 2021” only 24% of graduates aged 25 to 34 obtain a degree in STEM disciplines. The share sets to 33.7% among men and sets to 17.6% among women, thus highlighting a significant gender gap.

Furthermore, according to the "Anvur Report 2023 - Gender Analysis" in ten years (from 2012 to 2022) the number of female students out of the total number of new students enrolled in technical-scientific degree courses has not grown.
In 2011-2012 STEM students were 60.7% male and 39.3% female, and in 2021-2022 the percentages did not change.

This asymmetry also has repercussions in the working context. In 2022, out of every 4 engineers hired in Italian companies, only 1 was a woman.
Further complexity is found with respect to the salary: five years after graduating in engineering, women earn less than their male colleagues.

Inform and raise awareness among young people about the possibilities of the STEM world
it is the first concrete step towards gender equality.

Comunità Pratica, of which Trafilix Industries is part, speaks to students

Comunità Pratica companies told about themselves on Friday 9 February at the National STEM Disciplines Week held by the University of Brescia within the event:
«Miss, I would like to speak to the engineer.
Women in STEM: Voices, Successes and Connections."

Professionals in these sectors are still forced to hear sexist and culturally backward phrases that belittle a woman's preparation and authority.

The testimonies of Francesca Morandi (Siderweb Content Manager), Simona Galassi (Engineer, Ori Martin Product Management Dept.), Sara Somaini (Fedabo, Junior Consultant), Francesca Parmigiani (Farco Group Medical Director) and Elisabetta Dal Gal (OMB Saleri Project Manager), coordinated by Mariasole Bannò (President of the UniBS Gender Commission), were aimed particularly at male and female students.