Organisational carbon footprint
Organisational carbon footprint
In 2021, TRAFILIX S.p.A. undertook a process to quantify and reduce the emissions of climate-changing gases associated with its activities.
A fundamental piece in this regard is the drafting of the company’s GHG emissions inventory based on the main reference standard: UNI EN ISO 14064-1:2019.
All climate-altering gases (GHGs) required by the reference legislation are monitored and reported in terms of CO2 equivalent (CO2eq.), using the conversion factors based on the Global Warming Potential. The calculation of emissions and their categories are included in the Sustainability Report according to Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 schematization, as required by the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards:
• Direct emissions (Scope 1), concern the impacts generated whose source is owned or controlled by the company;
• Indirect emissions (Scope 2) deriving from purchased or acquired energy;
• Indirect emissions (Scope 3) group indirect emissions from transport and materials used by the organisation.
Trafilix Industries has completed the emissions analysis for all categories of greenhouse gases.
In 2021, TRAFILIX S.p.A. undertook a process to quantify and reduce the emissions of climate-changing gases associated with its activities.
A fundamental piece in this regard is the drafting of the company’s GHG emissions inventory based on the main reference standard: UNI EN ISO 14064-1:2019. All climate-altering gases (GHGs) required by the reference legislation are monitored and reported in terms of CO2 equivalent (CO2eq.), using the conversion factors based on the Global Warming Potential. The calculation of emissions and their categories are included in the Sustainability Report according to Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 schematization, as required by the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards:
• Direct emissions (Scope 1), concern the impacts generated whose source is owned or controlled by the company;
• Indirect emissions (Scope 2) deriving from purchased or acquired energy;
• Indirect emissions (Scope 3) group indirect emissions from transport and materials used by the organisation.
Trafilix Industries has completed the emissions analysis for all categories of greenhouse gases.
Emissions Trends GHG 2021-2022
Emissions Trends GHG 2021-2022
The indirect CO2 defined in Scope 3 for steel is calculated with theoretical coefficients from literature. The data has been improved where possible by referring to the values of origin from recycled declared by our suppliers.
This data collection is a constant process that we are carrying out as scope 3 has a relevant weight in our counting.
Considering the impact of Scope 3 and the difficulty in obtaining precise data from the supplier, we return an integrative analysis on a cumulative basis of Scope 1 + Scope 2 Location Based: 5,152.8 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (3%).
This data demonstrates the low incidence of emissions directly generated in the production phases of the organization compared to emissions upstream and downstream of the value chain.
Considering the impact of Scope 3 and the difficulty in obtaining precise data from the supplier, we return an integrative analysis on a cumulative basis of Scope 1 + Scope 2 Location Based: 5,152.8 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (3%).
This data demonstrates the low incidence of emissions directly generated in the production phases of the organization compared to emissions upstream and downstream of the value chain.
Trafilix S.p.A. signed
the “Brescia 2050 Sustainability Pact” in 2022. In this sense, the actions undertaken and future are aimed at:
• quantify the greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions;
• define and implement appropriate interventions and long-term strategies for decarbonisation
Trafilix S.p.a. has driven the entire Group towards the use of renewable sources.
In 2022, the Company began a path towards renewable clean energy by designing and activating photovoltaic plants at different sites.
Active sites:
• Trafilix Esine Production Unit (concluded in 2022)
• Trafilix Berzo Production Unit (concluded in 2023)
• Comet Acciai Brescia (plant revamping 2024)
• Nuova Bassani
• KSM Stahl (concluded in 2022)
• Trafil Czech (ongoing project, ending in 2024)
In 2022, the electricity produced by photovoltaics amounted to 1,084,634 kWh, 54% more than in 2021.
Lucefin SpA, Trafilix SpA and Co.Met. Acciai Srl supports “Ecosistema Fedabo”: an ecological- landscape enhancement and forest management project created by Energy Service Company and BCorp FEDABO.
With our contribution, trees n° 45 and 46 were planted near the Oglio river in Valle Camonica and sections n° 14 and 23 of the CAI trails n° 740 in Esine (BS) were redeveloped.
Trafilix S.p.A. signed
the “Brescia 2050 Sustainability Pact” in 2022. In this sense, the actions undertaken and future are aimed at:
• quantify the greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions;
• define and implement appropriate interventions and long-term strategies for decarbonisation
Trafilix S.p.a. has driven the entire Group towards the use of renewable sources.
In 2022, the Company began a path towards renewable clean energy by designing and activating photovoltaic plants at different sites.
Active sites:
• Trafilix Esine Production Unit (concluded in 2022)
• Trafilix Berzo Production Unit (concluded in 2023)
• Comet Acciai Brescia (plant revamping 2024)
• Nuova Bassani
• KSM Stahl (concluded in 2022)
• Trafil Czech (ongoing project, ending in 2024)
In 2022, the electricity produced by photovoltaics amounted to 1,084,634 kWh, 54% more than in 2021.
Lucefin SpA, Trafilix SpA and Co.Met. Acciai Srl supports “Ecosistema Fedabo”: an ecological- landscape enhancement and forest management project created by Energy Service Company and BCorp FEDABO.
With our contribution, trees n° 45 and 46 were planted near the Oglio river in Valle Camonica and sections n° 14 and 23 of the CAI trails n° 740 in Esine (BS) were redeveloped.
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